Crypto Future Trading vs Spot Trading: Which Method is Right For You?

Unless you have never been in the cryptocurrency space, you need not be told about the confusion beginners get into when it comes to future trading vs spot trading.

Due to the ton of questions we receive every day about this topic, we have decided to focus this article as much as we can on future trading vs spot trading.

If you are someone who is just starting out in trading and you are still battling with which market (future or spot) to go for in your trades, then this post is for you.

Without further ado, let’s get into some frequently asked question on future trading vs spot trading.

What’s the Difference Between Futures and Spot Trading?

Futures and spot trading are two different types of trading that investors can use to make money. Futures trading is a type of investment in which a contract is purchased and sold at a predetermined price.

Futures are a type of derivative contract. They are agreements to buy or sell an asset at a predetermined future date.

On the other hand, spot trading is the buying and selling of assets on the spot market, which is the market that deals with assets that can be delivered immediately.

Futures are typically more popular for commodities like oil, gold, and corn. Futures traders use this type of trading because they can get more leverage than they would with spot trading.

Spot trading is for traders who want to make trades immediately, but it can be difficult to find an available trader on the other side of the trade.

Future trading is an investment in which cryptocurrency is bought at a set price and sold at a set date in the future.

Spot trading, on the other hand, is an investment where traders buy and sell cryptocurrency at the current market price.

Futures traders have to pay a premium for their contracts. This means that they will have to pay more than what they would get for selling them in the future. With spot trading, investors only have to pay for what they get when they sell their coins now.

Some people believe that futures are better because they provide more stability than spot trading does. However, others argue that futures are risky because there is no guarantee of how much you’ll make.

How to Trade Futures and Why You Should Care About Them

This article will explore the basics of futures trading, what the future market is, and why you should care about it.

The futures market is a marketplace where people can buy or sell an asset at a specified price for delivery in the future. Futures are traded on regulated exchanges all over the world, including the Chicago Mercantile Exchange (CME) and the New York Stock Exchange (NYSE).

The most popular type of futures contract is financial futures. Financial futures are used to speculate on changes in interest rates, currency exchange rates, stocks, commodities, or indexes.

Crypto-futures are not traded on regulated exchanges like other types of financial instruments because they are unregulated. This lack of regulation has led to some skepticism about the use of crypto-futures as an investment vehicle.

Common Crypto Market Pitfalls and How to Avoid Them

Cryptocurrency trading is a popular form of investing in the digital currency market. The market is volatile, and it is important to understand the risks before entering into this type of investment.

The cryptocurrency market is growing at an incredible rate. The market cap of cryptocurrencies has grown from $17 billion to over $300 billion in the last year. According to some predictions, the crypto market will reach a trillion dollar valuation over time.

The cryptocurrency market is very volatile and unpredictable. It’s not for the faint of heart. Trading futures can be a good way to hedge your bets and protect your investments from sudden drops in the price of cryptocurrencies.

A cryptocurrency future contract gives you the right to buy or sell a specific amount of cryptocurrency at a set price on a set date in the future. This can be an attractive option for investors who want to hedge against risk, but it does carry more risk than spot trading.

For those who are not interested in hedging their bets, spot trading could be the better option. Spot trading involves buying and selling cryptocurrencies at current prices without any obligation to buy or sell at any time in the future.

Example of a future market

Let’s take this instance, If a coffee farm sells green coffee beans to a roaster for $4 per pound and the roaster sells that roasted pound for $10 per pound, and both are profitable at that price, they’ll want to keep those costs fixed. The investor agrees to pay the difference to the coffee farmer if the price of coffee falls below a predetermined level.

If the price of coffee rises above a certain threshold, the investor keeps the profits. If the price of green coffee rises above an agreed-upon level, the investor pays the difference, and the roaster receives the coffee at a fixed price.

Advantages Of Spot Trading

One advantage of trading in spot markets is that investors are dealing with real assets rather than future contracts. Additionally, investors own the coins outright. These two features, in particular, provide traders with a greater sense of security and make investing easier.

Disadvantage of Spot Trading

Spot markets charge higher fees to use leverage, and because their lending pools have a limited supply of coins, they can only offer lower levels of leverage.

Advantages Of Future Trading

The gains are greater when trading crypto futures, especially with leverage, than when trading spot markets. Furthermore, futures allow investors to use more flexible trading strategies such as going short or long, diversifying, and hedging against price fluctuations. As a result, you can do more than just buy and sell cryptocurrencies.

Disadvantages Of Future Trading

One of the most significant disadvantages of futures trading is that investors do not own the underlying assets, and traders who use high leverage risk being liquidated and losing a lot of money.


After investigating future trading vs spot trading, there is no particular one certified as the best. Each of the two markets has its own advantages and disadvantages.

From our post, it can be concluded that the majority of future markets are very liquid, which makes it easier to execute trades. But this is very dangerous because of its high average, which if used improperly can blow your account.

On the other hand, trading in spot markets is a very different experience from buying and selling coins on the open market. One advantage of spot trading is that investors are dealing with real assets rather than future contracts. Also, traders can own the coins outright, which gives them a greater sense of security and makes investing easier.

The sad part of spot market is that it requires higher fees to use leverage, and because their lending pools have a limited supply of coins, they can only offer lower levels of leverage.

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